This is Turtley UX. As you can tell, it’s a very serious online publication about User Experience Design. And turtles.
It exists because, like many people that are turning to Substack, I have really fallen out of love with social media. They’re addictive, depressing, competitive services that challenge you to pretend to be interesting — you might even get a ‘like’ to justify your existence.
I could rant about this for much longer, and I probably will at some point, but I’m sure you get the idea.
What is this publication about?
I don’t know. But for me, that’s part of the joy. Unlike with ‘socials’, it doesn’t have to be anything. If you’re interested in UX/UI, product design, technology, or you know me personally and want to hear something that hasn’t battled an algorithm to get to you — that’s what this page is for.
What can you actually promise, then?
That it’ll be genuine.
That I’ll only send an email if I think you’d be interested too.
That it will be written for your eyes (or ears) — not to play the SEO game.
That it’ll be free of marketing sleaze, lead generation, or hustle.
That Toys R Us has closed down, and it won’t be coming back.